ManticMoo.COM -> Jeff's Articles -> Programming Articles -> Reading from Stdin in C++

Reading from Stdin in C++

by Jeffrey P. Bigham

The following code reads each line from the standard input (stdin) and outputs it on standard out (stdout). By using strings as opposed to char* we don't have to worry about overflowing the input buffer and can handle long lines effortlessly.

The code:

// stdin input example
// using cin.getline

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main() {
  while(cin) {
    getline(cin, input_line);
    cout << input_line << endl;

  return 0;

Compile with:

% g++ -o stdin_test stdin_test.cpp

Run with:


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  • Making I/O streams efficient in C++
  • ManticMoo.COM -> Jeff's Articles -> Programming Articles -> Reading from Stdin in C++