ManticMoo.COM -> Jeff's Articles -> Programming Articles -> Problems parsing through javascript with the libxml SAX parser
Problems parsing through javascript with the libxml SAX parserby Jeffrey P. Bighamlibxml is an easy-to-use C library useful for handling XML and HTML files. I use it to automatically alter webpages in an attempt to increase accessibility. I recently ran into some trouble with the SAX parser not correctly handling javascript that output HTML tags. For instance, the following code would make it fail in an odd way:
would become:
Eventually, I discovered that the problem has been fixed in the most recent version of the libxml library. I was using version 2.6.1, but the most recent version 2.6.26 released in June 2006 fixes the problem. All recent versions can be downloaded from xmlsoft's homepage. |
ManticMoo.COM -> Jeff's Articles -> Programming Articles -> Problems parsing through javascript with the libxml SAX parser