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Chatbots Tutorial

This tutorial walks you through creating chatbots in C#. It requires no previous programming experience. Although this tutorial touches upon topics that would normally be taught in a few weeks in an introductory programming course, we've tried to keep the material as straightforward as possible in order to be able to program chatbots.

We will assume that you have completed the directions on the Setup page, so please go there first before continuing on through this tutorial.

The tutorial consists of the following parts:

  1. Introduction to Programming
  2. HelloWorldBot
  3. Debugging in TextPad
  4. Examining HelloWorldBot
  5. Strings, Types and Variables
  6. The HandleMessage Method: Using Parameters
  7. String Concatenation
  8. Calling Methods
  9. Conditionals
  10. Regular Expressions
  11. Remembering and Reacting
  12. Web Services
Begin Tutorial
Comments to Jeffrey P. Bigham